Emission Admissions: Electric vehicles offer over 70 percent in emissions savings across lifetime compared to ICE vehicles, says TD Economics study

Toronto, Ontario – TD Economics has released a study highlighting the lifecycle emission differences between electric versus internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles in Canada. When looking at the study, electric vehicles reportedly have significantly lower lifecycle emissions than ICE vehicles. While electric vehicles start off with a higher carbon footprint due to emissions associated with […]
Plugging Into 2024: EV claims frequency increases 34 percent in Canada, says Mitchell’s 2024 Plugged-In: EV Collision Insights

Toronto, Ontario – According to Mitchell’s Plugged-In: EV Collision Insights 2024 Year in Review, electric vehicle (EV) repairable claims frequency has increased by 34 percent from 2023. Specifically, when looking at Mitchell’s data, EV claims frequency for collision-damaged, repairable battery electric vehicles (BEVs) rose to 3.84 percent in Canada compared to an increase of 2.71 […]
Now We’re Cooking: Researchers develop process to retrieve critical EV minerals using vegetable oil

Leicester, England – Scientists at the University of Leicester have reportedly developed a program for recovering valuable metals from lithium-ion battery waste using vegetable oil. Led by Professor Andy Abbott and Jake Yang at the University of Leicester in partnership with the Faraday Institution’s Reuse and Recycling of Lithium-ion Batteries (ReLib) project, the research team […]