EV/AV Report: Recent study reveals majority of Quebec drivers oppose the loss of ZEV incentives; while Nissan’s ProPilot Assist reminds drivers to limit time in left lane

Toronto, Ontario — In this weekly electric and autonomous vehicle report, a new study conducted by Leger reveals that the majority of Quebec drivers oppose the loss of ZEV incentives in the province; while Nissan announces the latest version of ProPilot Assist, which reminds drivers to limit time spent driving in the left lane. Static […]

Move Over, Brother: Waymo’s autonomous taxis engage in ‘honk wars’

San Francisco, California — Autonomous rideshare company Waymo is dealing with internal robot-relations drama. The company’s cars are waking San Francisco residents, blaring their horns as they return to parking lots at the end of their shifts, sometimes as early as four in the morning.  Waymo says its cars are programmed to honk at drivers […]