Rechargeable Responsibilities: California bill could make EV battery manufacturers responsible for end-of-live battery management

California, United States — If a California bill is signed into law, EV battery manufacturers—in many cases, automakers—would be responsible for the end-of-life management of electric vehicle battery units. Section 2 of the SB 615 bill also states that “any program designed to ensure proper end-of-life management of vehicle traction batteries first strives to reuse, […]

Bacteria Breakthroughs: Researchers using bacteria to recycle key minerals for electric vehicles

Edinburgh, Scotland — What do sneezes and sulfuric acid have in common? Both can extract valuable minerals. Well…kind of. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland have discovered that certain types of bacteria can be used to help recycle and repurpose vital minerals for electric vehicles. Specifically, Louise Horsfall, chair of sustainable biotechnology at the […]