An Electrifying First: Ten percent of Canadian new vehicle registrations in 2023 were ZEVs

Toronto, Ontario — For the first time ever, more than 10 percent of all new vehicles registered in Canada during the past year were zero-emission vehicles (ZEV), including purely electric (EV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) models. According to Statistics Canada, the exact proportion of ZEV registrations in 2023 is 10.8 percent or 184,578 of a […]
Electrifying Economic Efficiency: Market research claims EVs will be cheaper to produce than ICEs by 2027

Toronto, Ontario — Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) will be, on average, cheaper to produce than comparable internal combustion engines (ICEs) by 2027, claims market research firm, Gartner. This belief is thanks to research from Gartner that outlines how new manufacturing methods are helping to lower production costs of electric vehicles (EVs). Specifically, Gartner expects production […]
Canadian Battery Commitments: Dalhousie University receives five million in funding towards the Canadian Battery Innovation Centre

Hallifax, Nova Scotia — On March 13, Dalhousie University received five million in funding from the Government of Canada for the construction of a first-in-Canada battery innovation centre. The funding specifically came from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and, according to a recent press release, will contribute to what will be an overall 20 […]
An Electric Cutback: Quebec to scale back EV rebates, cutting them entirely by 2027

Quebec City, Quebec — Quebec’s National Assembly recently announced in a 2024 to 2025 budget meeting that it plans to extinguish the Roulez Vert electric vehicle (EV) rebate program by 2027. The decision for the cutback was specifically announced by the reigning governmental Coalition Avenir (CAQ). Currently, Quebec offers the most generous provincial rebate in […]